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Why Get It Transcribed?

Why Get It Transcribed - ImageAudio interviews and webinars, video PowerPoints, and how-to screencast demonstrations are no longer considered “new” in Internet marketing, but they’re communication mediums that are certainly here to stay.

Although audio and video work great for imparting information, the need for the written word is still there, especially to accompany the audios and videos. I’m talking about transcriptions; written documentation of what you’ve recorded verbally and/or visually. Why should you go the extra mile and the extra expense to have your webinar transcribed? Here are a few reasons:

1. When you have your audio or video transcribed, you’ve just increased the value of your product. Perhaps your audio interview is free to your listeners, but if they want the transcribed version, they’ll have to pay for it. Or you could offer your product with the audio and transcription for one fee, and without the transcription for a “lite” fee. Another idea is to add the written document as a bonus to your product, or offer it in an upsell.

2. Even though audio and video are popular, not everyone likes this medium. Many people prefer reading over listening. It could be they’re fast readers and like to go at their own pace rather than be at the mercy of an audio that seems to be going too slow. Or maybe they are short on time and prefer to skip to the parts that are of particular interest to them. Some find themselves daydreaming or becoming distracted and can’t follow along very well.

3. There are times when people can’t listen, no matter how informative your webinar is. The timing may not work into their schedule – people are so busy with work, kids, chores, civic duties, etc. and if you lose them, you lose your chance to impart your wisdom, take your brand up a notch, make a sale, or whatever your reason for doing the webinar. Similarly, the person might not be in a location where they can turn the volume up (like at work, in a waiting room, while on the bus) and they don’t have earphones. After all your hard work of putting on the webinar, you don’t want to lose any potential customers. Offering a transcription of your webinar will make these people happy. It shows goodwill on your part.

Doing webinars, audio interviews, podcasts, and videos is great for business. It adds dimension to your brand, gives your sales page or website some punch and makes lots of people happy who like to listen. But take it a step further and make everyone satisfied by having your audios transcribed. It’s a good business practice that can affect your bottom line.

Grabbing Attention with Graphics to Take your Online Presence to the Next Level

Media technologies conceptAs someone who frequents several social media platforms, blogs, and websites on a daily basis for both personal and professional reasons, the amount of posts and links that I find myself subjected to is staggering. There are truly not enough hours in the day for me to read through all the articles I want to, and to click through all of the links that catch my eye. So what exactly is it that makes a link or post irresistible to the average social media browser out there? With an endless sea of information that is begging for our oh-so-valuable clicks, what ultimately determines where our increasingly shortened attention spans are directed to?

Of course, headlines and titles are vital, but do you really stop and read every single article headline that is posted on your Facebook homepage or Twitter feed? That would be impossible for many people. The one thing however that does demand, at the very least, a quick glance, is an image or graphic of any kind.

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words because looking at an image for even a short amount of time can create countless questions, emotions and opinions in a viewer’s mind. So how long then does it take for just one word/opinion to form when viewing an image/website online? According to a study done at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, it takes less than two-tenths of one second. This means that when you have a graphic or image associated with your link, the vast majority of people are going to have enough time to spare to form at least some sort of opinion about it.

The quality of these images and their effectiveness in producing certain desired emotions and opinions is a topic for another time, because to begin with, all that you want is for people online to take notice. Think about your own internet use. How much more likely are you to click on something if there is a thumbnail image next to the link as opposed to there just being a plain text title? For me personally, a graphic will make all the difference for attracting my attention and convincing me to explore further.

Graphics and images on websites will also set the tone for what the viewer is going to engage in. They prepare the reader’s mind for the information they are about to take in and give them something to think about while they are reading. In terms of explaining the ideas and concepts that your blog or article is covering, graphics will also help to simplify things. The more easily the information you’re presenting is understood, the larger your audience can be.

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, graphics and images communicate a message of legitimacy that text alone just cannot achieve. Not only will they help get your message across, but graphics can also make your reader more open to the ideas you are putting forward. Anyone can type some text onto a page, but being able to successfully accompany that text with meaningful images conveys a certain level of professionalism in your work that should not be overlooked.

In today’s competitive market of online content, maximizing the experience for your audience is crucial. Take advantage of the amazing technology and resources that are available for creating images and consider including graphics whenever they can add value to the information you are presenting.

Canada’s New Anti-Spam Laws, What Does this Mean for You and Your Business?

Have you ever found yourself, during a busy day trying to grow your business, serve your clients and get it all done, thinking “Gee, I really wish the government was more involved in my everyday operations as a business”?

Well, if that was you, today is your lucky day!

As of July 1st 2014,  a new law from the Government of Canada will come in to affect as a way to prevent spam emails from being sent and received.  The Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL) will require consent (implied or expressed) from all recipients before a commercial email can be sent to them.  Mass emails, bulk emails, broadcast emails (whatever you want to call them)  to a mailing list will also require a mechanism for unsubscribing as well as the sender’s contact information.

Pre-existing business relationships will not be affected but contacting new potential customers may be made more difficult.  Unless an email is publically listed on their website or a customer has contacted you directly first, consent must be acquired via email before any commercial messages can be sent.  In terms of a contact list that you may already have, you can continue to send promotional messages to them for the next 3 years while the law is phased in.  After this point however, you will be required to get consent from each individual before any further promotional messages can be sent.

The easiest way to stay out of trouble going forward is to ask for consent whenever possible and establish a mindset that is anti-spam.  Individual violators can be fined up to $1 million and corporations up to $10 million.  Connect with your employees on the provisions of this law and make sure the consequences for violations are understood.

You may need to reconsider some of your company’s marketing practices but in the long run it is always better to be safe, and certainly better than paying millions of dollars in fines.

More information can be found at the website for Government of Canada: http://fightspam.gc.ca/eic/site/030.nsf/eng/home. 

What is Online Marketing Management?

By Pam Ivey

Online Marketing Manager

“A Rose by any other name is still a Rose.” You’ve likely heard this misquote of a popular line from Romeo and Juliet. It’s supposed to be, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But, it gets the point across. You may call an Online Marketing Manager (OMM) many other names, such as: Social Media Manager, Internet Marketing Consultant, Online Marketing Coach, Virtual Marketing Assistant, and so on. But, in reality all of these titles essentially do the same type of work or work within the same niche. People with these titles help their clients navigate the world of online marketing. However, an OMM actually is more. It’s a specific title that has a specific meaning along with training.

Online marketing encompasses a variety of different tasks. So many tasks that it’s unlikely that one person can do everything that needs to be done. Thus, virtual service providers often specialize in one or two areas in order to differentiate themselves. An OMM is someone who understands all aspects of these positions and can manage the entirety of the tasks (and the people) involved with online marketing. An OMM builds, implements, and manages online marketing strategies for business owners. An OMM understands how to study metrics involved with online marketing in order to utilize the best of online marketing strategies and tactics. An OMM stays up-to-date on the latest information available within the online marketing world. An OMM is always learning about the following:

  • Affiliate & Partner Relationship Management
  • Client Planning & Strategy
  • Content Marketing
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Pay-Per-Click Campaigns
  • Product and Program Development
  • Product Launch Process
  • Project & Team Management
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Management
  • Web Analytics

If you’re currently calling yourself one of the titles in the first paragraph, or perhaps you’re a copywriter, social media consultant, website designer, online business manager, or some other name that describes your work with business owners who need help marketing online (which, frankly — all businesses do) then you might be very interested in learning what an Online Marketing Manager knows. Thankfully, there is online training and certification available that can move you up to that next level.

Online training with certification is a very important development that can literally explode your current income. Think about it. If you worked for a corporation they would invest in your training to ensure that you know everything there is to know about your position. The corporation would want you to get any training that was available. They would send you to conferences and other training programs to ensure that your skills stayed up-to-date and that your work was cutting edge.

You are your own boss, and that means that you must invest in your own training to ensure that you too stay competitive. As the online world evolves you’ll have to discover ways to stay cutting edge. The way to do that is to invest in yourself by going to conferences and participating in training, both online and off. It’s impossible to stay up-to-date on your profession without seeking outside assistance. Thankfully, when you do invest in training for yourself as a business owner, the expense is deductable. Ask your tax professional about that, because investing in training is worth the cost. In fact, you will likely improve your bottom-line as well as your reputation.

Want to become an Online Marketing Manager? Click here to get more details