Elayne Whitfield, BA, MVA ~ VA Industry ExpertSubscribe Now

Grabbing Attention with Graphics to Take your Online Presence to the Next Level

Media technologies conceptAs someone who frequents several social media platforms, blogs, and websites on a daily basis for both personal and professional reasons, the amount of posts and links that I find myself subjected to is staggering. There are truly not enough hours in the day for me to read through all the articles I want to, and to click through all of the links that catch my eye. So what exactly is it that makes a link or post irresistible to the average social media browser out there? With an endless sea of information that is begging for our oh-so-valuable clicks, what ultimately determines where our increasingly shortened attention spans are directed to?

Of course, headlines and titles are vital, but do you really stop and read every single article headline that is posted on your Facebook homepage or Twitter feed? That would be impossible for many people. The one thing however that does demand, at the very least, a quick glance, is an image or graphic of any kind.

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words because looking at an image for even a short amount of time can create countless questions, emotions and opinions in a viewer’s mind. So how long then does it take for just one word/opinion to form when viewing an image/website online? According to a study done at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, it takes less than two-tenths of one second. This means that when you have a graphic or image associated with your link, the vast majority of people are going to have enough time to spare to form at least some sort of opinion about it.

The quality of these images and their effectiveness in producing certain desired emotions and opinions is a topic for another time, because to begin with, all that you want is for people online to take notice. Think about your own internet use. How much more likely are you to click on something if there is a thumbnail image next to the link as opposed to there just being a plain text title? For me personally, a graphic will make all the difference for attracting my attention and convincing me to explore further.

Graphics and images on websites will also set the tone for what the viewer is going to engage in. They prepare the reader’s mind for the information they are about to take in and give them something to think about while they are reading. In terms of explaining the ideas and concepts that your blog or article is covering, graphics will also help to simplify things. The more easily the information you’re presenting is understood, the larger your audience can be.

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, graphics and images communicate a message of legitimacy that text alone just cannot achieve. Not only will they help get your message across, but graphics can also make your reader more open to the ideas you are putting forward. Anyone can type some text onto a page, but being able to successfully accompany that text with meaningful images conveys a certain level of professionalism in your work that should not be overlooked.

In today’s competitive market of online content, maximizing the experience for your audience is crucial. Take advantage of the amazing technology and resources that are available for creating images and consider including graphics whenever they can add value to the information you are presenting.

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