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What is Online Marketing Management?

By Pam Ivey

Online Marketing Manager

“A Rose by any other name is still a Rose.” You’ve likely heard this misquote of a popular line from Romeo and Juliet. It’s supposed to be, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But, it gets the point across. You may call an Online Marketing Manager (OMM) many other names, such as: Social Media Manager, Internet Marketing Consultant, Online Marketing Coach, Virtual Marketing Assistant, and so on. But, in reality all of these titles essentially do the same type of work or work within the same niche. People with these titles help their clients navigate the world of online marketing. However, an OMM actually is more. It’s a specific title that has a specific meaning along with training.

Online marketing encompasses a variety of different tasks. So many tasks that it’s unlikely that one person can do everything that needs to be done. Thus, virtual service providers often specialize in one or two areas in order to differentiate themselves. An OMM is someone who understands all aspects of these positions and can manage the entirety of the tasks (and the people) involved with online marketing. An OMM builds, implements, and manages online marketing strategies for business owners. An OMM understands how to study metrics involved with online marketing in order to utilize the best of online marketing strategies and tactics. An OMM stays up-to-date on the latest information available within the online marketing world. An OMM is always learning about the following:

  • Affiliate & Partner Relationship Management
  • Client Planning & Strategy
  • Content Marketing
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Pay-Per-Click Campaigns
  • Product and Program Development
  • Product Launch Process
  • Project & Team Management
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Management
  • Web Analytics

If you’re currently calling yourself one of the titles in the first paragraph, or perhaps you’re a copywriter, social media consultant, website designer, online business manager, or some other name that describes your work with business owners who need help marketing online (which, frankly — all businesses do) then you might be very interested in learning what an Online Marketing Manager knows. Thankfully, there is online training and certification available that can move you up to that next level.

Online training with certification is a very important development that can literally explode your current income. Think about it. If you worked for a corporation they would invest in your training to ensure that you know everything there is to know about your position. The corporation would want you to get any training that was available. They would send you to conferences and other training programs to ensure that your skills stayed up-to-date and that your work was cutting edge.

You are your own boss, and that means that you must invest in your own training to ensure that you too stay competitive. As the online world evolves you’ll have to discover ways to stay cutting edge. The way to do that is to invest in yourself by going to conferences and participating in training, both online and off. It’s impossible to stay up-to-date on your profession without seeking outside assistance. Thankfully, when you do invest in training for yourself as a business owner, the expense is deductable. Ask your tax professional about that, because investing in training is worth the cost. In fact, you will likely improve your bottom-line as well as your reputation.

Want to become an Online Marketing Manager? Click here to get more details

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