Elayne Whitfield, BA, MVA ~ VA Industry ExpertSubscribe Now

You Forgot to Logout of Your LinkedIn Account!

logoitHave you ever gone to a computer and logged into your LinkedIn account and then exited your browser when you were done?  Did you remember to actually sign out of your account? Most of us forget that step.  Every time you do this, you put the security of your account at risk.

LinkedIn has now put YOU in control and they have added more security to your experience.

Now you can check to see EVERYWHERE your LinkedIn Account is open.  When I checked my account, I was logged into 7 sessions!




Go to your Settings and click on See Where You are Logged In.  If that setting isn’t active on your account yet, then go to: http://linkedin.com/settings/sessions






You will then see EVERYWHERE your account is logged in.  And, you have the ability to log out on an individual basis or you can log out everywhere.   If you see a session that you want to exit, just click Sign out.



If you think that your LinkedIn account may have been compromised, change your password right away. You do that by hovering over the small picture of you on the right hand side of your LinkedIn Profile.  Go to Privacy & Settings and click Review.






Make it a habit to check and see where you are signed in.  A bit of proactivity can save a lot of headaches later.